A Bang in the Void – Do you use different technologies to stay in touch with each other?

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[content_band style=”color: #333;” bg_color=”#ffddea” border=”all” inner_container=”true”] [custom_headline style=”margin-top: 0;” level=”h4″ looks_like=”h3″]Questions for you:[/custom_headline]

  1. What methods of communication do you normally use to contact collaborators?
  2. What technology do you find to be a nuisance when communicating? [/content_band]

[content_band style=”color: #333;” bg_color=”#ffff00″ border=”all” inner_container=”true”] [custom_headline style=”margin-top: 0;” level=”h4″ looks_like=”h3″]Task 1:[/custom_headline]

Imagine you have to collaborate with someone and could only use technology to communicate for the initial stages of collaboration. List what you would use any why. See if these answers relate to what you value in a collaboration.


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