Conflict in collaboration
Why Collaborate? | Requirements of Collaboration | Expectations and Ambitions 1 | Expectations and Ambitions 2 | Strategies for Creative Collaboration 1 | Strategies for Creative Collaboration 2 | The Individual Collaborator 1 | The Individual Collaborator 2 | Conflict in collaboration | Impact of Compromise
[block_grid type=”four-up” id=”DisagreeCollab”]
[block_grid_item][image type=”rounded” float=”none” src=”” alt=”NAC: Is disagreement a feature of your collaboration?” link=”true” href=”” title=”New Art Club” info=”none” info_place=”top” info_trigger=”hover”]
Is disagreement a feature of your collaboration?
New Art Club
[block_grid_item][image type=”rounded” float=”none” src=”” alt=”Steve Kirkham – to what extent do you welcome disagreement in collaboration” link=”true” href=”” title=”Steve Kirkham” info=”none” info_place=”top” info_trigger=”hover”]
To what extent do you welcome disagreement in collaboration?
Steve Kirkham
[block_grid_item][image type=”rounded” float=”none” src=”” alt=”NAC: Has disagreement ever become destructive?” link=”true” href=”” title=”New Art Club” info=”none” info_place=”top” info_trigger=”hover”]
Has disagreement ever become destructive?
New Art Club
[block_grid_item][image type=”rounded” float=”none” src=”” alt=”Steve Kirkham – have you been in collaborative situations where disagreements have become destructive” link=”true” href=”” title=”Steve Kirkham” info=”none” info_place=”top” info_trigger=”hover”]
Have disagreements ever become destructive?
Steve Kirkham
[block_grid_item][image type=”rounded” float=”none” src=”” alt=”A Bang in the Void – How do you manage your disagreements?” link=”true” href=”” title=”A Bang in the Void” info=”none” info_place=”top” info_trigger=”hover”]
How do you manage your disagreements?
A Bang in the Void
[block_grid_item][image type=”rounded” float=”none” src=”” alt=”Steve Kirkham – how do you manage disagreement” link=”true” href=”” title=”Steve Kirkham” info=”none” info_place=”top” info_trigger=”hover”]
What advice would you give for managing disagreements?
Steve Kirkham
[block_grid_item][image type=”rounded” float=”none” src=”” alt=”Steve Kirkham – have you been involved in a collaboration that has derailed” link=”true” href=”” title=”Steve Kirkham” info=”none” info_place=”top” info_trigger=”hover”]
Have you been in a collaboration that has derailed?
Steve Kirkham
[block_grid_item][image type=”rounded” float=”none” src=”” alt=”Steve Kirkahm – have certain collaborations worked better than others, and why?” link=”true” href=”” title=”Steve Kirkham” info=”none” info_place=”top” info_trigger=”hover”]
Have certain collaborations worked better than others, and why?
Steve Kirkham
[block_grid_item][image type=”rounded” float=”none” src=”” alt=”A Bang in the Void – Have disagreements ever become destructive?” link=”true” href=”” title=”A Bang in the Void” info=”none” info_place=”top” info_trigger=”hover”]
Have disagreements ever become destructive?
A Bang in the Void
[block_grid_item][image type=”rounded” float=”none” src=”” alt=”A Bang in the Void – How do you think disagreements contribute to the work?” link=”true” href=”” title=”A Bang in the Void” info=”none” info_place=”top” info_trigger=”hover”]
How do you think disagreements contribute to the work?
A Bang in the Void
[block_grid_item][image type=”rounded” float=”none” src=”” alt=”A Bang in the Void – Is disagreement a feature of your collaboration?” link=”true” href=”” title=”A Bang in the Void” info=”none” info_place=”top” info_trigger=”hover”]
Is disagreement a feature of your collaboration?
A Bang in the Void
Student Responses
[block_grid type=”three-up” id=”sfcc”]
[block_grid_item][image type=”rounded” float=”none” src=”” alt=”Student Discussion – Can conflict been resolved through dialogue” link=”true” href=”” title=”Student” info=”none” info_place=”top” info_trigger=”hover”]
Can conflict be resolved through dialogue
Student Discussion
[block_grid_item][image type=”rounded” float=”none” src=”–-The-issue-of-the-director-and-dancer-having-a-different-idea-of-where-the-movement-comes-from.jpg” alt=”Student Discussion – The issue of the director and dancer having a different idea of where the movement comes from” link=”true” href=”” title=”Student” info=”none” info_place=”top” info_trigger=”hover”]
The issue of the director and dancer having a different idea of where the movement comes from
Student Discussion
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